Home Care Plan Masterclass  

Master Independent Living and Home Care



Master Home Care to live independently and safely at home. The Home Care Plan Masterclass provides expert guidance and pro tips from a Doctor, Nurse, and Social Worker with decades of healthcare experience to help you create a Personalized Home Care Plan for you or your family member. 

This Masterclass applies the Interdisciplinary Team framework used in the healthcare system to help you implement this best practice at home and enhance the success of independent living and caregiving.


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All The Tools You Need To Create a Personalized Home Care Plan

This Masterclass will cover an overview of home care, home health care, caregiving, the benefits of an interdisciplinary team,  anticipatory guidance, illness and injury prevention, recognizing geriatric emergencies, identifying community resources, maintaining strength, fall prevention, preventing caregiver strain and burden and utilizing technology to enhance home care.


At the end of this masterclass, participants will have created an actionable personalized Home Care Plan that they can implement with their Healthcare team to enhance independent living and caregiving success.

Create Your Home Care Plan Now


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