$499.00 USD

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Home Care Plan Masterclass

Master Home Care to live independently and safely at home. The Home Care Plan Masterclass provides expert guidance and pro tips from a Doctor, Nurse, and Social Worker with decades of healthcare experience to help you create a Personalized Home Care Plan for you or your family member. 

This Masterclass applies the Interdisciplinary Team framework used in the healthcare system to help you implement this best practice at home and enhance the success of independent living and caregiving.

What you'll get:

  • Pro tips on how to effectively navigate the health system, a hospital admission and discharge from the perspective of a Doctor, Nurse and Social Worker.
  • Personalized Home Care Plan to share with your healthcare team.
  • A Community to discuss course concepts and practical implementation of a Home Care Plan. 
Course information is for educational purposes only. Information obtained in this course or from the community is NOT medical advice.   All information and recommendations and plans should be approved for suitability by your Medical and Healthcare Providers prior to implementation.